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Modulillos interesantes para Python
Python Posted by Gunnar on Wednesday November 05, @09:14AM el 2003
from the lo_paso_al_costo dept.
Me encontré con tres módulos que pueden ser interesantes para los pythoneros de la bola - uno bastante general (un editor de objetos) y dos más específicos (un motor 3D y uno de algoritmos genéticos y de AI). Más información más abajo. (Mandé también esto a talleres@... )
* Package name : editobj
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPL
Description : Python object editor

EditObj can create and display a Tkinter dialog box for editing any
Python object (similarly to what Java call a Bean editor, but for
Python object). EditObj is a useful tool for writing (text or
non-text) editors of all kinds, including GUI editor, 3D editor,...

* Package name : soya
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPL
Description : high level 3D engine for Python

Soya 3D is a high level 3D engine for Python. It relies on OpenGL and
SDL. It is designed with games in mind, and written partly in Python
and partly in C; our goal is to provide a full architecture for making
free (GPL) game of professionnal quality entirely in Python.
Soya can also render on PyGame surface !

* Package name : genetic
* URL or Web page :
* License : GPL
Description : Artificial Intelligence and genetic algos in Python

This is a package for Artificial Intelligence and genetic algos in Python.
You'll find some demo / experience / ... in genetic/demo, including the famous
TSP. Read genetic/demo/ for the list of the special "magic"
genes that make Genetic really fun and... living !

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  • The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them.
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    Re: Modulillos interesantes para Python
    by jerx on Wednesday November 12, @03:44PM
    hola gunarcillo,
    comment cava?
    gracias por las ligas, ya cheque el genetic.
    porfas pon las ligas activas, es la politica del portal, no vayas a tomar esto a ofensa o a contribuir menos por ello, la intencion de esta politica es fomentar que la gente use los urls o uris, como en slashdot.
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