[Consol] my participation in CONSOL in feb 2005

Max de Mendizábal max at upn.mx
Sat Jan 8 15:56:34 CST 2005

Dear Randall,

I am very sorry with this misunderstanding. I am not a member of the 
CONSOL organizational group. However I think the "Universidad Pedagógica 
Nacional" can pay for the hotel and food. I think the taxis would be 
rarely used because I can offer you transport here. I am very sure some 
volunteers will be happy to drive for you.

Please let me know your arrival and department schedule. I will wait for 
you in the airport.

Max de Mendizabal
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
52 (55) 5630-9764
max at upn.mx

On Sat, 8 Jan 2005, Randal L. Schwartz wrote:

>>>>>> "Randal" == Randal L Schwartz <merlyn at stonehenge.com> writes:
>>>>>> "Octavio" == Octavio Ruiz (Ta^3) <tacvbo at tacvbo.net> writes:
> Octavio> But we have a situation, to be honest we didn't contact you
> Octavio> before because we can not guarantee the travel allowances (I
> Octavio> mean, the airplane tickets) and I (personally) don't know how
> Octavio> can negotiate that peculiarity with you.
> Randal> The deal I had with GULEV, I will also make to you.  You pay for my
> Randal> hotel, taxis, and food, and I will take care of the flights.  The
> Randal> hotel must have high-speed internet in my room, and should be as close
> Randal> as possible to the conference.  If that's acceptable, we can proceed.
> I'm still waiting to hear back on this.  Are we on, or not?  I need to
> know within a few more days so that I can make arrangements for
> suitable flights.

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