[Consol] ...More details about your travel and talk (John Gilmore - CONSOL)

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at campus.iztacala.unam.mx
Fri Jan 24 09:24:35 CST 2003

Hi again!

Ok, we are getting closer every day... Please, I need a bit more data
about you:

- Do you know already when are you coming and leaving? I would like to
  arrange for someone to pick you up and leave you at the airport.
- Your talk will probably be on Wednesday (the first day) at 19:30, and
  will last 90 minutes. We will almost surely have simultaneous
  translation. Please, send me your talk's title and a short text about it
  as soon as possible (one or two paragraphs).

Thank you very much!


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf at campus.iztacala.unam.mx - (+52-55)5623-1118
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