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Weaving Twexter
Educación Posted by Duke on Friday July 24, @07:16PM el 2009
from the 2010 will be a very good year dept.
Hola todos, como'tan? Les mando MuCHoS SaLUDoS! So, finally, este software twexter ya esta listo for un testing básico. Código y UI totalmente nuevo en Pero por favor, please don't go there yet.

First, give un minuto to este video, que dimuestra a new función que entrelace or weaves the text y twext, to and fro. Maintenant, pruebalo avec le Francais et el Español. Again. And again. And again. Weave. Nuevecito. Useful? Como ven Uds.? Maybe? Puede ser? Let's test it.

Mikesito Guerrero says he wants to do una investigación de twexter with students aquí en San Miguel De Allende, en Septiembre. Para to see si esta cosa actually works for estudiantes. Like como if les ayuda to hacerse friends con the Inglés. Vale?

Basicamente we need a real relax maestro here que esta open to seriously try algo nuevo para a) to learn more Inglés, and b) to help estudiantes to aprender más English. Even more, necesitamos just a few students, unos pocos, pero con ganas. Little liderazos.

Éxito with sólo unos cuantos open minded "early adopters" es lo que se ocupa for now. If we succeed, estos first testers luego become nuestros socios in the introducing of the twexter en el aula. Y we grow.

Back in Mayo, Mike and I hablabamos de dos detalles that we could test con este sistema: 1) estudiantes jugando con "free voluntary twexting" de canciones que les gustan, and 2) chat entre students del norte and south, a lo mejor also in the Spanglish.

These'd be chido. Pero chat and robust student accounts son nuevas features que quedan fuera de mi reach y alcance. What que sí we can test ahora is very basic twexting con unos pocos estudiantes. Con suerte and good planning, we'll have éxito. Then we can grow to servir a más. Y más!

Questions? Comentarios? Dudas? Gracias!

Reporte Julio 1 - 24 | +  >


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  • The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them.
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    Re: Weaving Twexter
    by jergas on Thursday August 06, @05:50AM

    Hi Duke!

    Your video and your new site look amazing! It was probably working when you posted this, and you're probably aware of this, but the site won't show me the example (its not public). Then I looked for more content in french, and that's not public either. The first document (when I looked) was "not found". I was about to overgeneralise, but then I noticed most other docs do work. Well, some of the guys have said that bugs follow me like the plague &8-P (they may not be bugs, they could be legitimate error messages, though).

    I'm thrilled that you might be testing. I agree that the testing should not depend on some future features, theres more than enough there to test. Besides, if you guys wanted to test the site with chating, I wouldn't recomend adding it to your site for that, there must be plenty of public fora that you could use. The user accounts you'll need eventually, I guess, if you're going to be accepting public submissions on the site. (I didn't create one, but I did see the user creation form, so I guess you're getting there.)

    Hugs, Jergas

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    • some twexts are now hiding
      by duke on Thursday August 06, @08:38AM

      Glad you like it. Just last week we blocked a lot of public access. Maybe a mistake. One of many. Why block public access? "If this is supposed to be a new economy, how come they still want my old fashioned money?" Exactly. Twext wants to be free, but the reality is that it is not free.

      We have user accounts, but we don't have tools to rate translation quality; suggested improvements; "ownership" parameters; tools to help users interact, etc. Such will be useful when both student and more expert translators use twext. We'd love to build such tools in response to testing what we have now.

      You're absolutely right that Skype etc can solve the chat problem. 3rd party Translation and pronunciation tools might also help our users/testers kick ass.

      BTW, we have some great news that Rodrigo Pera Ramirez is starting to add some "d'iiste" twexts (in Zapoteco language). Like China and India, México has 60+ languages. We are so very close to a good enough UI where they can all get twext =)

      And they can all get twext freely. But for the moment, many of "my twexts" need to hide, so they can help me take care of business. So Jason and I can keep the project alive. Many thanks to you, it is here, now.

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      • fixed links (again and again and again) above
        by duke on Friday August 07, @02:55PM

        Also, it's Rodrigo Perez Ramirez, who has also added some Mixteco and Otomí twext. Very welcome news, as twext wants to serve between the many languages in México.

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