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baby's got back
Educación Posted by duke on Friday January 30, @06:47PM el 2009
from the hypertwext dept.
This january my focus has been classroom prep.. la aula se ve awesome.. meanwhile, jason makes fierce twexter progress this month: we now can twext a "parent" text to any language "child" twext, and we can now search and find these twexts of texts.. our plan now is to tidy up these new features and february film twexter in action:
  • film escuelaschool students twexting
  • show great songs being great teachers
  • help: show como se usa el programa
  • student translators try/use twexter
  • error correction be learning process
  • comprobar que sirve entre inglés/spanish
  • make us want que more languages get twext
les aviso si algo pasa.. nomas por el momento i wanted to list good news from Jason Tudisco:
MAIN BODY::::::::::::::::: 090130

  • jason helped me upgrade my modem
  • twexter now faster more usable webapp
  • you need fast internet to test twexter
  • translate button/routines coming
  • FIND gets translations listed and linked
  • KEY commandS list cheat sheet coming on left
  • proximente se estrena una pelicula to make you cry
  • now you can go backwards navigating twexter
  • click the back button.. back back forward back
  • huge progress! thanks jason!!
  • Users a url anchor tag (#tagwhatever) to stop (Browser from going back.. instead the back button goes to where you were last. Most of the time.. I littl emore tweaking.)
  • Added pointer Cursor comment button
  • Added Pointer Cursor To Top Menu
  • Added Pointer Cursor to X Nav
  • Optimized ui-view class a little. should be a tad faster.
  • Changed Comment Refreshing from 10 seconds to 30 senconds to keep server comunication down.
  • Finder has remote sorting
  • Finder has remote search
  • Finder has new search field commands
  • Finder as a new loading status indicator
  • Finder has remote paging that support paging and searching
  • Made modification to history list to show Humane dates
  • Made change to the output to handle new primitive autoscroll.
  • Youtube now use embedding of video in Page instead of an iframe.
  • This was done to make a bit more stable I think and to access youtubes player api easier now autposcroll feature on youtube playback. Can be turned on and off.
  • Uses you tube api to get a percentage of the time the movie
  • try Mr. Jailer
  • want wiki tag to put a time tag where ever you wish ...
  • have it scroll there to time paragraphs or lines or pages or anything really. But not in this version..
  • just a demostrion using youtube api.
  • Tons of changes on the filelist backend.. the remote procedure call.
  • Including the ability to load parent
  • nesting not yet, may not need to

slop shortcuts in find:
  • t: find by language should prolly be "x:"
  • tw: twext language you know already search
  • tx: TEXT language you want to learn search
  • u: USER search by twexter user/translator
t:first_lanuage[.second_language] try it out:
  • t:english.spanish
  • t:fr.english
  • t:en
  • t:fr
tx: = search text (source) language to learn, TRY IT:
  • tx:english
  • tx:fr
tw: = search twext (translation) language you already know, TRY IT:
  • tw:en
  • tw:es
u: = search USER, try it:
  • u:duke
  • u:tudisco
Search Improvement:
  • Word separation
  • Words no longer need to be chained in the right order in title search
  • love air

  • Add document history Remote Procedure Call.
  • New History List Control.
  • Changes to the output context menu to show history list.
  • Pop common control can now remove it self from documnet DOM
  • Changes to title of translation control.. and removed 1 and rename 1 option.
  • Fixed error in IE clipboard control.
Most of the time though was spent on a new finder that supports paging, remote sort, remote search, and Nesting... This still isn't done yet.. this is a big one. I don't expect it to be done till next week. This is not going to slow down the app. it will probably make it faster. One of the things that happens is.. once the finder is loading.. in constantly downloads thumbnails for every file until it is done way after the list is loaded. So this is going to be much better. Anyways, better or not .. necesary.


  • Added "embed" server rewite rules.
  • fix error in dbtwext class for parent / child. Child Sha1 not saving.
  • New Translation Source Selection Box Control for Parent child Creation.
  • New "embedding" URL and script for Website Embedding and Media Wiki Plug in.
wixi works in mediawiki
  • Embeds twext/youtube in Mediawiki, uaow!
  • Mostly if url exist.. size space, cut in half.. put twext on one side and url on other.
  • Media Wiki Plugin Changes.
  • Moved Top Buttons Around (find next to search box)
  • Made # in URL valid for youtube timing links. but this still needs work in the youtube
  • URL filter. (So it still does not work.. but closer)
  • Remote Procedure Call can now handle Parent / Child Saves. (Had to after the interface changes)
F12 if doc loaded, F12 = save "child" (twext translation)
  • load a seelction box which lets you
  • choose if you want just text or twexted text...
  • I added twext as source just for seeing..
  • you can remove those twext option if you don't like em.
  • Add document history Remote Procedure Call.
  • New History List Control.
  • Changes to the output context menu to show history list.
  • Pop common control can now remove it self from documnet DOM
  • Changes to title of translation control.. and removed 1 and rename 1 option.
  • Fixed error in IE clipboard control.

whew! get outta jason's way and jason gets a lot done.. movies are next.. proximamente

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