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calma antes de la tormenta
Internet Posted by duke on Friday December 12, @08:43PM el 2008
from the 1205-1212 dept.
Hola todos. Muy buenas noticias, que el Lunes me voy a dar de alta con la EscuelaSchool, aqui en San Miguel De Bilingue. Mi aula ya está casi casi con pisarones por las paredes y disco ball en medio. Nomás faltan unas detalles. Quiere decir que en 20 días ya estamos probando productos twext y investigando lo del delyric y storyasking. Además, los alumnos nos enseñarán como mejorar el twexter, osea que por fin vamos a tener unos usuarios.. whew!

Jason continues advancing the new improved alpha twexter ui:
  • Finishing the UI part for the comments Monday.
  • Many latter found bug fixes like looking up comment by sha1 id and not doc id.
  • Also comment count bug fixed... counting by sha1 and not id.
  • Removing the previous url link control completely and creating a new one for the edit tool bar with the you tube button.
  • Email when comments are added.
  • Changing email to have subject and Link
  • Many little style change like.
  • Changing the side the comments are one.
  • Changing the input box to have normal size text in comments
  • Removing comment labal and making button say comment in comments.
  • Menu bar using Sans and not Monotype
  • changing file list web service to run query that send back the comment count for each file.
  • adding comment count to the find file list display.
  • Removed that display for file that have no comments.
  • Some Fixes
  • Update the output window on all navigational changes. this should prevent alot of problems where you have to add a return or somthing to get the output to update.
  • Turned off firefoxes spell checking in the editors... firefox only spell checks one language and would add a bunch of red line on the language it didn't know.. was annoying, found the way to stop that.
  • Unfinished work:
  • Started on new search bar... and stopped.. not sure how to add the languages below, might be dangerous on small screen also as second tool bar could have something below. Anyways, working on that.
  • We simplified above prob and will remove language control in FIND interface.. until more people are using twexter it's just a nuisance.. if need be we will replace it, but probably not until February is now updated and maybe more digestible.. I wanted to be farther along with alpha but Jason says it's become a bit complex.. So alpha twexter will soon rest for 6 weeks because we to need to do primitive WiXi and escuelaschool.

El viernes vengo a México, voy a chambear un poquito con Vic para sacar mi kaos de DH, instalar el WiXi, y definir un plan para que el twexter pueda disfrutar de IDN osea URLes multilingues. Como siempre, me daría mucho gusto mostrar el software twexter a personas interesadas. Nomás avisanme y allí estoy :)

Reporte 12-XII-08 | Reporte 1-7 diciembre  >


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