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Data 4 David C.!
Programación Posted by jergas on Monday November 05, @10:11PM el 2007
from the Budget and Development dept.
I annex the data sent to me by David Clarke. As soon as I finish the spec set as a diagram, I'll annex it as well.

Urge tener ya el sitio funcionando, PKS | Fallas en el sitio de los TSG del ICME-11  >


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  • Click to download attachment Plenary-Two-Webpage-Content.doc
    41KB (42496 bytes)

  • The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them.
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    The attachment is fine
    by Gunnar on Tuesday November 06, @10:38AM
    Just so you stop worrying :) I opened it correctly (with Abiword).
    I'll start working right away, will keep you posted.
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    Re: Data 4 David C.!
    by jergas on Monday November 19, @08:50PM

    The link is now available:

    The question set isn't modelled exactly as it is shown here , but we need feedback. I got an error message upon using it, but it may not be our fault, the server has been giving us problems, and as it is an external hosting service, it is beyond our control (we did submit a support request). It may well be our code though: the error seemed to be there no matter what I tried (about 5 times, different inputs, both expected and unexpected answers).

    We would appreciate comments as soon as possible. Of course, final say about presentation (such as splitting the question set into more than one page) belongs to David. I think the current formatting works.

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    Re: Data 4 David C.!
    by David Clarke on Tuesday November 20, @03:52AM
    Many thanks to all who have worked on this project - it looks great. A few questions: Why has the second sentence of the original text been omitted? This is the sentence "The panel members are mathematics education researchers from different countries, who will respond to teachers’ and policy makers’ questions submitted through this website."

    Why has question 2: "What is your age?" been omitted?

    The original questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 included an option for respondents to submit their own descriptions of their workplace, etc. This option has been omitted. Is ther a reason for this?

    In the original version of question 9: "State a question of importance to your professional work and which you think should be answered by mathematics education research" respondents were offered up to 40 words to reply - why has this been reduced to 25 words?

    Questions 10 and 11 originally indicated a limit of 60 words, now no limit is stated - I am ok about this as long as the system can handle it, although I will have to manage the responses and perhaps an indicative limit could be provided such as "Try to keep your response to no more than 60 words."

    Really the webpages handle very smoothly and the presentation is simple and clear. Many thanks to all involved. I will seek the opinion of my colleagues and forward any further comments to you. In the meantime, it would be helpful to have your replies to my questions about the changes from the content as originally provided to you.


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    • Re: Data 4 David C.!
      by Edgar on Friday November 23, @08:29AM

      Thanks for your input!

      We have located the main source of trouble (a stale version of the requirements) and are taking steps to fix it. This is the version we are now using. Please let me know if you have a newer version.


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      • Re: Data 4 David C.!
        by Edgar on Friday November 23, @09:26AM

        PS The only point I wanted to clear up with you concerns the "open" data entry option in the "background information questions". There are actually two slightly different situations, as it could be argued that a list of countries can be considered exhaustive (modulo political differences with the "official" name).

        [ Reply to this ]
        • Re: Data 4 David C.!
          by David Clarke on Tuesday November 27, @08:24AM

          Dear Edgar - good to talk with you. I have attached a slight rewrite of the original document. In it, I have divided Questions 4, 5, 6 and 7 into two parts - A and B. As we discussed, respondents should be required to make a selection in Part A, but then have the option of providing additional detail in Part B. Note that this has involved some very small changes to the original questions (now Part A of each question) - PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT THE TEXT ON THE WEBPAGE EXACTLY CORRESONDS TO THE TEXT IN THE LATEST VERSION OF THE DOCUMENT (ATTACHED). I am happy to leave Question 3 in its present form, with the list of countries already provided. I have not yet been able to access a revised version of the webpage - with the corrections identified in my last email. As per our conversation, it is very important that we launch the webpage by December 1, to give teachers around the world sufficient time to respond. Many thanks to all who have worked on this project. Regards from Australia, David Clarke

          Click to download attachment Plenary Two Webpage Content 4
          45KB (46592 bytes)

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          • Re: Data 4 David C.!
            by Gunnar on Wednesday November 28, @01:19AM

            I'm working on implementing the changes. I'll have it ready by 12 pm (Mexico time = GMT-6:00), will keep you posted.

            [ Reply to this ]
            • Regarding today's changes (which are ready!)
              by Gunnar on Wednesday November 28, @08:15AM

              I'm sorry for taking so long (around 22 hours!) to implement this last change set - Done. Anyway, I have to ask you to refer to this message regarding the delay.

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    Re: Data 4 David C.!
    by Edgar J. Becerra-Bertram on Wednesday November 28, @12:48AM
    Dear Gunnar:

    I just loged in to the plenary 2 page and I notice several things,

    1) The changes to the questions David sent in the new version of the questionnaire, have NOT been implemented.

    2) The text of the opening page is not complete. It's missing one complete sentence.

    3) The welcoming message after login-in, is incomplete. I suggest changing it from "Welcome, Edgar J. Becerra-Bertram. You have successfully identified." to "Welcome, Edgar J. Becerra-Bertram. You have successfully loged-in." [The word "identified" sounds too much like a Big Brother situation.]

    4) Question 4 reads "Select from the following list the category that best describes your work", which suggests that they mark only one option. The system should validate that only one is being chosen. I suggest that when they mark any option, the system should unmark any previously marked option. Actually, please notice that in the new version, the wording explicitly states that only one be chosen: "Select from the following list, one category that best describes where you work:"

    Thanks. Best regards, Edgar abuelo

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