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Python Posted by Mike on Monday September 01, @08:24PM el 2003
from the SourceForge dept.
Proyecto del mes en Sourceforge es Boa Constructor. Para todos los pytoneros les puede interesar este anuncio.

Boa Constructor is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that makes writing extensive Python code a snap.
It provides an interactive debugger, text editor with highlighting, object inspector, integrated help and the ability to graphically view classes. Boa Constructor is written in Python and currently supports Linux and Windows. The project was founded on SF.NET in January 2001 and currently enjoys the top 10% activity ranking on the site.

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  • The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them.
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    Re: HAY LA CULEBRA !!!!
    by Jergas Apwith on Wednesday September 03, @05:52AM
    Mike, me encanta que posteen cosas, deveras me encanta, pero porfas, solo ligas activas, asi que porfas pon todas esas ligas aqui, activas como reply a mi comentario, solo asi podemos tener un sitio mas bonito y util, y porfas no pongas un nuevo comentario pricipal con estas ligas, sino una respuesta a este, mantengamos las cosas en su respectivo thread, gracias por tu pronta cooperacion, saludos, edgar
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