Mundito development manual

The first step to start development in mundito si to remember that the program is made with python  programing language, in the python homepage you can find all the necessary
material to install and learn python, if you already know python programing lenguage and your machine already have the python virtual machine you are ready for the next step.

Second you have to start learning pygame
 , pygame is a set of python
modules designed for writing games, in the pygame home page you can find all the necessary material to install and learn pygame, if you already know pygame and your machine already have the pygame libraries  you are ready for the next step.

Third you must have the Numeric  module for python , this module si made for handling numeric analisis  with arrays types  (like C arrays types) , in the Numeric homepage youll find
all the necessary material to install and learn Numeric but meiby you prefer read first the surfarray tutorial of pygame, in there you can find a short introduction to numeric in the contex of making videogames, if you have already the Numeric module in your machine you are ready for the nexst step.

Four the Mundito architecture is based on the
model-view-controller pattern with the observer pattern to communicate the three parts of the MVC pattern, you can find a MVC introduction for making
games here
, this tutorial explain the structure of the program at big scale, if you read it  you are ready for the next step.

Ok, if you are here is because you did read all the steps and you have all the knowlech to start to underestand and then develop in Mundito :-)


The View is the graphic part of mundito, tnx to the view you can see the organism(Sprites), and the bakgrownd  (surface)