[Comite] Por fin contesto Benjamin.

José Luis Hernandez López jhdz at simbiotica.net
Mon Jun 19 18:54:10 CDT 2006

Como pueden ver al fin contesto Benjamin Mako Hill a la invitación que
le hice, que hacemos, porque parece que si esta interesado en venir.
José Luis Hernández López
Simbiótica Seguridad en Redes
Tel. 56121248 y 56122048

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From: "Benj. Mako Hill" <mako at ubuntu.com>
To: José Luis Hernandez López <jhdz at simbiotica.net>
Subject: Re: Invitation to the CONSOL
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<quote who="José Luis Hernandez López" date="Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 09:43:13AM -0500">
> The CONSOL will be carried out from the 15 to the 18 of August of 2006.

I should be able to come if you are still interested. Can you send me
the details and confirm that you could cover travel costs from Boston?


Benjamin Mako Hill
mako at ubuntu.com

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