[Consol_acad] Undeliverable mail, invalid characters in header

virusalert at intruder.com.mx virusalert at intruder.com.mx
Sat Jan 8 19:09:05 CST 2005


Non-encoded 8-bit data (char F3 hex) in message header 'Subject': Subject: Revisi\363n de la propues...

This nondelivery report was generated by the amavisd-new program
at host server.intruder.com.mx. Our internal reference code for your message
is 29999-09-4.


  The RFC 2822 standard specifies rules for forming internet messages.
  It does not allow the use of characters with codes above 127 to be used
  directly (non-encoded) in mail header (it also prohibits NUL and bare CR).

  If characters (e.g. with diacritics) from ISO Latin or other alphabets
  need to be included in the header, these characters need to be properly
  encoded according to RFC 2047. This encoding is often done transparently
  by mail reader (MUA), but if automatic encoding is not available (e.g.
  by some older MUA) it is the user's responsibility to avoid the use
  of such characters in mail header, or to encode them manually. Typically
  the offending header fields in this category are 'Subject', 'Organization',
  and comment fields in e-mail addresses of the 'From', 'To' and 'Cc'.

  Sometimes such invalid header fields are inserted automatically
  by some MUA, MTA, content checker, or other mail handling service.
  If this is the case, that service needs to be fixed or properly configured.
  Typically the offending header fields in this category are 'Date',
  'Received', 'X-Mailer', 'X-Priority', 'X-Scanned', etc.

  If you don't know how to fix or avoid the problem, please report it
  to _your_ postmaster or system manager.

Return-Path: <consol_acad at linux.ajusco.upn.mx>
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From: consol_acad at linux.ajusco.upn.mx
To: Juan Renteria T. <renteria at certmx.org>
Subject: Revisión de la propuesta enviada (278)
Message-Id: <20050109010926.350C71C4F6 at consol.fisica.unam.mx>
Date: Sat,  8 Jan 2005 19:09:26 -0600 (CST)

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