[Consol] CONSOL -- confirmation of subscription -- request 923050

Manuel Rabade Garcia mig at mig-29.net
Thu Mar 11 23:55:37 CST 2004

Octavio Ruiz (Ta^3), who happens to be smarter than you, thinks:
> wadaz at wadaz.cjb.net, who happens to be smarter than you, thinks:
> > confirm 923050
> Quien le pega?

Yo no le voy a pegar unas buenas ... ¿porque no tu? :-D


Manuel Rabade Garcia
 WWW - http://mig-29.net
 GPG - 1024D/AA3325C0 2002-09-30
 Fingerprint - D2E5 76E1 CE2D 8783 545D  1F41 399B 5765 AA33 25C0
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