[Consol] Una posible respuesta a la eterna bronca

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.cx
Mon Jun 28 13:25:02 CDT 2004


Como saben, observo a distancia, y no meto mi cuchara. Les paso esto,
como sea, que representa una buena salida a una buena bronca ;-)

----- Forwarded message from Andreas Schuldei <andreas at schuldei.org> -----

From: Andreas Schuldei <andreas at schuldei.org>
To: Niklas Vainio <nvainio at iki.fi>
Cc: DebConf5 Team <debconf5-team at liw.iki.fi>
Date: Sat, 26 Jun 2004 19:24:21 +0200
Subject: Re: legal and financial umbrellar needed

* Niklas Vainio (nvainio at iki.fi) [040628 08:20]:
> Hello,
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 06:15:03AM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:
> > is there such an entity in finnland/helsinki? can nokia provide
> > it? (nokia is non-profit, yes? :-)
> I suggest we don't do any co-operation with Nokia, the biggest software
> patent lobbyist in Finland. 

i would accept all legally earned money as donations for debconf
(not coupled to any conditions) from pretty much any entity i can
think of. Their attempt to support us after all indicates good
intentions despite their earlier or later wrong-doings.  we just
should not get currupted outselfs. 

> If we want company co-operation, SOT[1] 
> comes into my mind.
> [1] http://www.sot.com/en/
> Possible umbrella organisations:
> Linux-aktivaattori 
> http://www.linux-aktivaattori.org/view/Organization/WebHome
> - Turku-based but active, has Debian people I think
> Finnish Linux User Group
> http://www.flug.fi/
> - older organisation but I don't know much about it

great, could some local please investigate? of cause i can also
contact them from here. Any takers?

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Gunnar Wolf - gwolf at gwolf.cx - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
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