[Consol] Dewanto

Victor Martinez vicm3 at janus.ajusco.upn.mx
Mon Jan 6 07:32:59 CST 2003

Dipl.-Wirt. Inform. Blasius Lofi Dewantopl.-Wirt. Inform. Blasius Lofi Dewanto
His experience in programming began 15 years ago with Basic for IBM 
Compatible PC/XT. After he finished his study at Business Informatics 
Faculty at the University of Muenster, he is working as assistant 
researcher at the Intitute of Prof. Dr. H. L. Grob. In his spare time he 
writes articles for German "Java Magazin", "Der Entwickler" and "Linux 

Victor Manuel Martinez Mtz.

What I Do
I build paradigms...
I work on complex ideas and make up words for them.
It is the only way.
                                         Ted Nelson

http://animeproject.tsx.org La pagina del Club Anime Project (Fanzin de 
aficionados para aficionados)
http://jjnet.prohosting.com Linux para Todos
http://www.cibersivo.com.mx Antiguamente Virtualia
http://sociologia.tsx.org Información sobre el Examen General para el 
Egreso de la Licenciatura (EGEL/EGCP)

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