[Consol] Re: scheduling conflict

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.cx
Wed Dec 3 18:49:56 CST 2003

Bdale Garbee dijo [Tue, Dec 02, 2003 at 09:21:27AM -0700]:
> Hello.
> I was just informed that I must be in Canada for an important business meeting
> in HP the same week as CONSOL.  I do not have the schedule details yet, but I
> regret that this meeting must take priority over my presence at your event.  If
> the schedules are such that I can attend both, I will do so, but if that is not
> possible I wanted to give you the earliest possible indication of this 
> conflict...


Well... I will regret not having you here, but if you must attend this
meeting in Canada - Well, we are not even paying for your trip! We
will have to meet again later, and you will be invited to CONSOL for
next year too.

I am sending a copy of this mail to the organizer committee.


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf at gwolf.cx - (+52-55)5630-9700 ext. 1366
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